
Better sex life guides

Be better in bed … that would solve a lot of family issues. Here are several tricks about how to be better in bed and what profits this brings to your life. Our state of well-being, health from all points of view, is based on a number of important factors and has a very close connection with all the activities we have in our daily lives. Another taboo subject in daily life is sexual activity, especially if one of the partners suffers from certain dysfunctions. Fortunately, there are plenty of remedies for solving problems of this nature that do not endanger health. First of all, a healthy lifestyle and a proper diet can be a real help. Then, there are a few steps that help to deal with these issues of impotence and that lead to an optimal sex life.

Even great sex can start to feel monotonous over time if it’s more or less the same old routine. To mix things up, Marie Claire’s guy expert Lodro Rinzler suggests that “if you’re in bed with someone and have a sense of something new you or your partner might enjoy, be it some teasing, a change in position, anything…go for it. Men love it when women are spontaneous and confident in their ability in bed.”

Technically there are no “sex specific” muscles per se, but certain areas tend to get used a lot during sexual play. Things like your forearms, pelvic floor muscles, lower back and abs all get used significantly during sex and it’s good to have your body parts in working order. The one region that most people have chronically weak musculature in is in the pelvic floor region (also known as your PC muscle). Your PC muscle, or pubococcygeus muscle, is the hammock like muscle that stretches from the tail bone to the pubic bone (it cradles your groin area). It is the muscle that you can clench to stop the flow of urine when you’re peeing.

The power of sexy banter in the bedroom gets underplayed, but it can be a serious mood-enhancer when you’re trying to liven things up together. Going about that, however, isn’t the easiest for people who aren’t used to actually vocalizing 50 Shades-esque fantasies. “What my [clients] benefit the most from is when they go to a bookstore or they go online and they find an erotic book,” says Rapini. She suggests that couples read from erotic books together, especially if they want to work on developing a “dirty talk” vocabulary that gives them the language cues without feeling self-conscious.Reading off scripts, she says, never works as well as if couples find a book they really like together and can build off of that jargon. Find additional info by reading this article Be better in bed.

Make some noise. “Don’t be afraid to be loud,” says another guy. Unless, of course, you’re trying not to wake the kids. Don’t worry about how you look. “While making love, try to let go of any nervousness about how you think your body looks,” says one man. “Seeing the body one is making love to is part of the lovemaking! If the man wants you, chances are he wants to see it and he will be grateful if you let him. Throw away any negative body image and be fully in the moment!”